
News to children!!!

Mercy, tenderness and creation! To book section you find all the latest! Texts by  Barbara Baffetti, illustrations by Alessandra Mantovani and Nicoletta Bertelle

2016-07-25T11:32:02+02:00Categories: News|

Word Groups for children of separated and divorced spouses

The Casa della Tenerezza has for some time proposed the Word Groups for sons of separated and divorced spouses between the ages of 6 and 11 years. This isn't about therapeutic groups but support groups that help children to be aware of  their feelings and giving them the floor, in [...]

2016-07-25T11:32:03+02:00Categories: Activities, News|

Crisis, opportunity for rebirth

Are we sure that a relationship crisis is always an unsuccessful occurrence?  And what if it was a good chance to renew the love and choose again the partner, more aware and completely? That is the challenge facing each couple somewhere along their way.... video-interview to don Carlo and Paolo [...]

2016-07-25T11:32:04+02:00Categories: Focus, News|
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